7 Best 「busines law」 Books of 2024| Books Explorer

In this article, we will rank the recommended books for busines law. The list is compiled and ranked by our own score based on reviews and reputation on the Internet.
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Table of Contents
  1. Business Law Today: Text & Summarized Cases: E-Commerce, Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment: Standard Edition
  2. The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron
  3. Startup Law and Fundraising for Entrepreneurs and Startup Advisors
  4. E-myth: Why Most Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About it
  5. The Three Pillar Model for Business Decisions: Strategy, Law and Ethics
  6. Solo by Choice: How to Be the Lawyer You Always Wanted to Be
  7. The Power Of A System: How To Build the Injury Law Practice of Your Dreams

Interesting, clear, and applied, BUSINESS LAW TODAY: STANDARD EDITION is the ideal guide to the law and what it means in the business world--from contracts and secured transactions to warranties and government regulations. Easy to understand with an engaging writing style that is matched by vibrant visuals, BUSINESS LAW TODAY includes coverage of contemporary topics that impact not only the business world, but your life--from the economic crisis and its impact on business law to identity theft and immigration law.

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In this tenth-anniversary edition, acclaimed investigative journalists Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind deliver the definitive account of the fall of Enron, one of the biggest scandals in corporate America history.Meticulously researched and character driven, The Smartest Guys in the Room takes the reader deep into Enron's past—and behind the closed doors of private meetings. Drawing on a wide range of unique sources, the book follows Enron's rise from obscurity to the top of the business world to its disastrous demise. It reveals as never before major characters such as Ken Lay, Jeff Skilling, and Andy Fastow, as well as lesser-known players like Cliff Baxter and Rebecca Mark.It is a story of greed, arrogance, and deceit—a microcosm of all that can go wrong with American business. Above all, it's a fascinating human drama that has proven to be the authoritative account of the Enron scandal. In this tenth anniversary edition, McLean and Elkind revisit the fall of Enron and its aftermath in a new chapter.

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Entrepreneurship can be chaotic. Some chaos drives innovation. But legal chaos rocks many startups to their foundations, dashing dreams, jeopardizing jobs and investments, creating liabilities, and slowing innovation. Paul Swegle wrote Startup Law and Fundraising for Entrepreneurs and Startup Advisors to help startups avoid these pitfalls, including the pitfall of struggling to grow a poorly funded business. This is a practical book meant to help entrepreneurs and their advisors:-\tbuild on a solid foundation, -\tavoid costly legal and regulatory mistakes, and -\traise the money needed for stability, innovation, and operational success. Startup Law and Fundraising is for everyone interested in business, business law, and startup fundraising. Its 550 pages cover an unmatched range of startup-focused concepts, tips, traps, strategies, and best practices. Fifty-one colorful startup case studies keep things interesting.Legal, governance and regulatory hurdles are covered in the book's first ten chapters. But surviving those hurdles is no guarantee of success. Many startups simply run out of money. Others are bedeviled by ill-advised early funding rounds. Startup Law and Fundraising devotes five chapters to creating and executing a fundraising plan around the principles of just-in-time finance and raising money from the right investors, in the right amounts, and on the right terms, whether from friends and family, angel investors, angel investing groups, seed funds, VCs, strategic investors, accelerators, or crowdfunding platforms.The final chapters fittingly cover the final chapters of startup life - optimizing an "exit" with a successful IPO or sale, or, as happens about 80% of the time, managing through insolvency and winding up.Startup Law and Fundraising provides the foundation for an entrepreneurial law and finance class at any level, including law school, MBA, undergraduate business, community college, or startup incubator.

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1986 Copyright: by Michael E. Gerber- One person writes- my whole life has changed since enrolling in this program 3 months ago.

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Your friend decides to order a pizza. President Obama decides to authorize the mission that leads to the death of Osama bin Laden. You decide that your business should launch a new product. What do these decisions have in common? They all require using the Three Pillar model of decision making. Our personal, leadership, and business decisions are based on a Law Pillar, a Strategy Pillar, and an Ethics Pillar.\nThe Three Pillar model originated in a leadership course that every Harvard MBA student takes before graduation. The Harvard course is based on three lenses of decision making: economics, law, and ethics. The Three Pillar model expands these lenses by replacing “economics” with “strategy.” With this change, the model becomes a powerful tool for personal and leadership decisions, as well as for business decisions.\nThis book takes you through four steps that enable you to use the Three Pillar model for business decisions:\nStep One: Become a legally savvy leader. This does not require memorization of legal rules. Instead, you should understand how the law works in practice. Various surveys have identified the key legal areas that every business leader should understand: product liability, employment law, government regulation, intellectual property, contracts, and dispute resolution. This book provides briefings on each area and shows how they impact your key stakeholders: customers, employees, government, and investors.\nStep Two: Become an effective risk manager. After your briefings on the law, you are now ready to focus on the Law Pillar. The Law Pillar emphasizes risk management. This book explains how to manage the legal risks that constitute the main threat to your business success. For example, the chapter on product liability will describe how to make strategic new product decisions, how to isolate product risks by creating subsidiaries, and how to design new products to minimize the risk of being sued for selling a defective product.\nStep Three: Align the Strategy Pillar with the Law Pillar to create value. Many leaders think that there is an inherent tension between the Strategy Pillar, with its value creation orientation, and the Law Pillar, with its risk management orientation. This book explains how you can overcome this tension and align the two pillars by focusing on the interests of each of your stakeholders. For example, by focusing on customer interests, a process designed to prevent product liability can be transformed into a powerful product development tool.\nStep Four: Develop an ethical organization. Understanding the Ethics Pillar of decision making enables you to play a leadership role in developing compliance and values standards for your organization. This role requires that you “walk the talk” by using a principled process for making ethical decisions. By combining the Ethics Pillar with the Law Pillar and the Strategy Pillar, you can become a responsible corporate citizen while at the same time creating value for your shareholders and other stakeholders.\nOnce you master the Three Pillar model for business decisions, you can easily apply the model to personal decisions and to leadership in any organization.

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This book is dedicated to every lawyer who ever wanted to run the show but worried that going solo was career suicide ... every lawyer who wanted to solo but didn’t know how to set up the office and make it work ... every lawyer who never set foot in a courtroom but dreamed of one day practicing law their way.

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What if you had total control overyour hours and weekends?What if you didn’t have toanswer to anyone?What if you took control over your future?When you work for someone else, you don’t control your future. Your boss decides how much money you make and how many hours you work. For many, the law is just a job that you do to make ends meet and pay the bills.It’s time to change thatIt’s not just about work and money. It’s about loving what you do and looking forward to coming to work. It’s about spending time with your family and living a fun life.It’s time you make the rulesFor the first time, you have in your hands the technical, managerial and entrepreneurial secrets to running a multi-million dollar law firm. Tried and true methods for managing and growing the injury law firm of your dreams is now in your hands—precise methods that, when applied, will slowly but surely grow your law firm into an asset that serves your ideal lifestyle.Who said you have to be a slave to your law practice? IT’S TIME TO BREAK ALL OF THE RULES so you have the one thing that all lawyers should seek: autonomy to live life on your terms.THE POWER OF A SYSTEMTorts, contracts, constitutional law…you got your fill in law school of theoretical concepts that you need to pass the bar exam. But then a funny thing happened, you got out of law school, opened your new law firm and you realized something—no one ever taught you how to run your own law firm in law school.Suddenly, you’re on your own with fancy new letterhead, a few clients and not much else. Your dusty law school books aren’t much help. It’s great to have your book smarts and fancy law degree but how do you pay the bills every Friday when your staff wants their paycheck? You pull your hair out wondering how you got yourself into this mess.This book was written for you.You are not alone. Yes, others have done the same thing before you and believe it or not, there are tried and proven recipes for success. Instead of fumbling around like the other lawyers in your town and just waiting for your phone to ring with your next case, you study the recipe and principles for a big-time injury law firm and little by little you begin implementing systems into your new law firm.You have in your hands tried and proven systems for the injury law firm of your dreams. It’s not just the technical aspects of running your own law firm, but the managerial and entrepreneurial principles that you must have to keep a constant stream of new cases and clients coming down the pipe. And no, these are not law school theoretical concepts but the technical, managerial and entrepreneurial “how to” steps that have been tried and tested over years of trial and error.You won’t find a book like this in your law school library…or anywhere else.Law school’s out—no more time for theoretical concepts—it’s time to get bills paid, move cases to trial, start making money and begin living life on your terms.All royalties from the sale of this book are donated to Doc to Dock, Inc., an amazing nonprofit organization based in New York that collects unused and unwanted medical supplies from around the country and ships them to hospitals and clinics in impoverished Third World nations in Africa and Haiti.Every day tons of unused medical supplies and equipment are incinerated or tossed into landfills in the U.S. Rather than letting the unused medical supplies go to waste, Doc to Dock, Inc. collects the donated medical supplies consisting of basic medical devices such as catheters and ultrasound machines, and transports them to developing countries where they are needed the most. Doc to Dock, Inc. has provided shipments to 18 different countries in the poorest regions of sub-Saharan Africa and has made a huge difference in preventing very curable and basic illnesses that are often life-threatening in Africa due to their lack of medical supplies.

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