33 Best 「intermediate ches」 Books of 2025| Books Explorer
- Winning Chess Strategy for Kids
- Winning Chess Puzzles for Kids
- The Chess Tactics Workbook
- Logical Chess : Move By Move: Every Move Explained (Batsford Chess Book)
- How to Beat Your Dad at Chess (Chess for Kids)
- Winning Chess Exercises for Kids
- Winning Chess Puzzles For Kids Volume 2
- Complete Book of Chess Strategy: Grandmaster Techniques from A to Z
- Square One: A Chess Drill Book for Beginners
- Chess for Children (Chess for Schools)
Winning Chess Strategy for Kids is a fun and comprehensive chess course written for children 7 to 13 years old. Full of original material and entertaining artwork, it's a perfect guide for learning the royal game. Parents and teachers are sure to like it too.The book begins on square one: covering the rules, basic mates, and elementary tactics. It then leads the student through a whole range of advanced strategies, including piece development, pawn structure, and attacking the castled king.Opening principles, middlegame plans, and endgames techniques are all explained in clear and simple language. Separate sections throughout the book are devoted to combinations and terminology.Whether kids are learning chess for recreation or are interested in playing competitively, Winning Chess Strategy for Kids will help them understand the game better and enjoy it more.
Winning Chess Puzzles For Kids is the perfect introduction to basic chess tactics for children ages 7 to 13. Full of imaginative drawings, this fun and instructive workbook combines standard chess problems with a variety of insightful chess-related puzzles. The main part of the book consists of exercise sheets with more than 1000 positions, covering mates in one or two moves, and simple tactics such as forks, pins, and discovered checks. There are also over 100 pages of additional material with names like Lily's Puzzlers, Combo Mombo, Kiril's Kontest, Who's The Goof, and Switcheroos, as well as word searches and chess mazes. This book can be studied by itself or used as a supplement to the author's earlier works: Winning Chess Strategy For Kids and Winning Chess Exercises For Kids. Taken together, they make a complete course of instruction for the aspiring player.
The Chess Tactics Workbook - 4th Ed - Al Woolum This is a best seller on the scholastic market, with over 25,000 copies sold. It was written by a classroom teacher for other teachers. It has been the problem book of choice for the CHESS IN THE SCHOOLS Program of NY, and school districts nationwide. It features 870 problems in a structured format, 6 diagrams per page, answer keys in the back, and pages perforated for easy use. It takes a student from the fundamentals to mate. It covers basic tactical elements through more advanced tactical concepts and into mating attacks and combinations. 133 pages The leading Tactics Workbook for Scholastic Chess Players. Six problems per page, perforations for easy use, and the leading choice of Chess In The Schools-NY
"The novice who plays through Logical Chess can learn an ocean of basic chess wisdom."—Leonard Barden, Engilsh chess master and broadcaster “Entertains . . . as it reinforces strategic lessons gleaned from chess titans. Illustrates effective middle-game plans.”—Library Journal Having learned the basic moves, how exactly should a player improve? In this popular classic, the author explains 33 complete games, in detail, move by move, including the reason for each one. Playing through these games and explanations gives real insight into the power of the pieces and how to post them most effectively.
This is a chess book for everyone, from eight to eighty, beginner to master. In a clear, easy-to-follow format it explains how the best way to beat a stronger opponent (be it a friend, clubmate – or Dad!) is by cleverly forcing checkmate. Delightful and instructive positions from real games are used to show the 50 Deadly Checkmates that chess masters use to win their games.For the beginner, simply learning the checkmating ideas and enjoying the examples will help develop the tactical skills needed to carry out attacks, combinations and sacrifices.For the advanced player, many of these checkmating ideas will come as a revelation, having never been categorized before. Experts agree that pattern-recognition is vital to success in chess, and this book provides a wealth of valuable patterns.How to Beat Your Dad at Chess makes improving easy and fun, and is full of helpful explanations and practical advice on how to approach chess games with confidence – and success.Grandmaster Murray Chandler finished second in the World Cadet Championship in 1976, ahead of Garry Kasparov, whom he defeated in their individual game. He remains to this day one of the few players in the world with a 100% score against Kasparov. He was a key member of the England team that won the silver medals in Chess Olympiads three times during the 1980s, and went on to captain the team in 1994. He is a former proprietor and Editor-in-Chief of the British Chess Magazine and the author of several bestselling chess books.
This wonderfully entertaining book also happens to be quite effective.Everything any child will need to know about chess strategy and more is here in this book, which is well laid out and easy to follow.Part of the fun factor for kids is that the book is replete with cartoon images of chess characters to help make the learning experience more exciting.A bright and colorful cover, as well as the large workbook format and algebraic notation make this a book which will occupy your child's attention for many hours.The flexible "perfect binding" makes it easy to turn the pages and have them stay in place.
Winning Chess Puzzles For Kids Volume 2 is a fun and instructive workbook for children ages 7 to 13. Full of imaginative drawings, it combines standard chess problems with a variety of insightful chess-related puzzles. Slightly more advanced than Volume 1, its aim is to further develop a student s tactical skills. The main part of the book consists of exercise sheets with more than 1000 positions, covering basic mates and simple tactics such as forks, pins, and discovered checks. There are also 100 pages of additional material with names like Lily s Puzzlers, Switcheroos, Who's The Goof, Chess Mazes, and Double Whammys. This book can be studied by itself or used as a supplement to the author s earlier works: Winning Chess Strategy For Kids and Winning Chess Exercises For Kids. Taken together, they make a complete course of instruction for the aspiring player.
This comprehensive guide, in dictionary form, makes all aspects of chess strategy quick, easy, and painlessly accessible to players of all degrees of strength. Each strategic concept is listed alphabetically and followed by a clear, easy-to-absorb explanation accompanied by examples of how this strategy is used in practice.
A "how to" manual introducing the novice chess player to the game with illustrated descriptions of the board, the different pieces, how they move and their relative worth. It also contains many examples of how to play, with strategies for beating your opponent, producing check and checkmate. There are questions throughout, quizzing your knowledge and comprehension, such as :"Can the attack be blocked?", and "Does the White King have a safe move?". The answer to each question is provided in the back, in complete sentences, and often accompanied by an explanatory diagram showing the relevant moves.
This chess puzzle super-challenge contains 100 fun positions to solve, ranging from encouragingly easy to mind-numbingly hard. Using an innovative format, every puzzle is preceded by an instructive example, illustrating an important pattern.Each puzzle has been graded to suit a wide range of chess abilities. Beginners or younger readers will enjoy reading the basic warm-up exercises. The more experienced can wrestle with some classic puzzles, whilst at the same time learning of typical themes and killer concepts.The final challenging chapters – Mission Impossible – are guaranteed to torment and inspire the most talented of future champions!Chess is recognized in many countries as a useful tool for developing creative thinking in children. Chess Puzzles for Kids will quickly enable children to enjoy using their new-found skills to outwit friends and relatives.
How to Reassess Your Chess is the popular step-by-step course that will create a marked improvement in anyone's game. In clear, direct language, Silman shows how to dissect a position, recognize its individual parts and ultimately find the move that conforms to the needs of that particular situation. By explaining the thought processes that go into a master's choice of move, the author presents a system of thought that makes advanced strategies seem clear, logical and at times even obvious. How the Reassess Your Chess offers invaluable knowledge and insight that cannot be found in any other book.
This book takes the student on a journey through his own mind and returns him to the chess board with a wealth of new-found knowledge and the promise of a significant gain in strength. Most amateurs possess erroneous thinking processes that remain with them throughout their chess lives. These flaws in their mental armour result in stinging defeats and painful reversals. Books can be bought and studied, lessons can be taken -- but in the end, these elusive problems always prove to be extremely difficult to eradicate. Seeking a solution to this dilemma, the author wrote down the thoughts of his students while they played actual games, analysed them, and catalogued the most common misconceptions that arose. This second edition greatly expands on the information contained in the popular first edition.
After a steady stream of inventors, artists, and storytellers tried and failed, a man appeared with a box and a gameboard. So begins the story.The man explains how each piece moves, and why. For example, the king is all-powerful, so he can move in any direction. But because a ruler must be cautious, he can move only one square per turn. he animosity of the kings is so great that they can never occupy adjacent squares, and their importance is such that if a side loses its king, it has lost the war. Each piece is given similar treatment, as are such moves as check, checkmate, castling, and en passant. The highly individualistic illustrations help demonstrate the mechanics of the game explained in the text, and a more conventional board-and -piece icon on each page show that more literal interpretation of the move. Through an illustrated story of the creation of chess, this book provides narratives and visual devices for learning the game and remembering the moves.The Story of Chess will excite and teach children new to the game and will emphasize each piece's importance for those already familiar with the rules.
A collection of John Nunn's best games from 1994 to the present day, annotated in detail in the same style as the best-selling Understanding Chess Move by Move. Throughout, the emphasis is on what the reader can learn from each game, so the book is ideal study material for those seeking to progress to a higher level of chess understanding. There is also entertainment in abundance: Nunn has a direct aggressive style, and many of his opponents in these games are ambitious young grandmasters from the generation inspired by Kasparov's dynamic chess. The book also includes all of John Nunn's compositions - problems and studies - with full solutions.
Everyone's Second Chess Book, of course! Acclaimed chess teacher Dan Heisman equips the not-quite-novice with the practical tools and knowledge needed to get started in competitive play: how to develop board vision; what to do when you're way ahead in material; how to avoid common mistakes in thinking; when to “believe” your opponent; even how to act properly at the chessboard. The author uses examples from inexperienced players to provide a wealth of common-sense advice, topping it off with a collection of illustrative games and practice puzzles. In this new and enhanced edition of a classic work, National Master Heisman adds chapters identifying the most important areas for the novice to focus on to advance to intermediate level; then exploring the dangers of stopping too soon when analyzing a position; and highlighting the value of making chess study fun so that the student will feel motivated to do the work. Read
Chess Endgame Workbook presents hundreds of endgame positions from significant master and grandmaster games. Gain the skills to finish off your opponent and win more games with this book in the Chess Detective (R) Workbook series. Learn endgame fundamentals like creating and promoting passed pawns, activating the king, simplifying to a winning ending, and salvaging a draw when you are behind. Basic principles for king and pawn, minor piece, rook, and queen endings are covered in detail. Chess Endgame Workbook includes two hundred problems with a comprehensive answer key at two skill levels: Basset Hound (novice to intermediate) and Chess Detective (intermediate to advanced).
Chess Openings presents major and minor variations of commonly played opening systems. This intermediate book in the Chess Detective® series provides a base of knowledge to aid the reader in selecting opening systems that are right for them.\\nEasy-to-follow flowcharts show the major openings and variations, separated into three main sections: 1.e4, 1.d4 and Flank Openings.\\nOpening main lines and frequently played alternative lines are presented, along with a brief summary with middlegame objectives for each player.
Once a chess player has figured out how all the chess pieces move, what is the next step on the chess ladder? This helpful and entertaining book provides players with the complete answer. In this easy-to-follow guide, renowned chess teacher Chris Ward explains all the crucial checkmating patterns, plus how to catch out opponents with an assortment of tricks and traps, commonly known as chess tactics. There is something for everyone in this book: improving players can benefit from learning the basic checkmates and the key tactics such as attacking and defending pieces, forks, pins, and skewers, while more experienced players can discover the delights of advanced checkmates and sneaky tricks, ones that can flummox even the world's best players!Learning chess tactics is fun and one of the quickest ways of improving in chess, and it's even more enjoyable when opponents begin falling for these tricks! Read this book and, with the help of a Grandmaster, any chess player will be ready to unleash the weapons in their chess battles, whoever their opponent is.>An ideal chess tactics and checkmates guide for the improving player>Written by a distinguished chess author>Full of notes, tips, and warnings to help the reader
Chess enthusiasts of all ages and levels will find this book an instructive delight. In a simple, easy-to-understand format it explains how to bamboozle your chess opponents using commonly occurring tactical motifs.The illustrative positions, all taken from real games, show the 50 Tricky Tactics that experienced chess masters use to win their games.Recognizing frequently-occurring tactical ideas is vital to success in chess. One of the fastest and most enjoyable ways to improve at chess is by learning these thematic manoeuvres.Beginners will benefit from the clear explanation of basic concepts, such as how to utilize a fork, pin or skewer. Advanced players will delight in the many devious middlegame tricks – some classified here for the first time – which can catch out even grandmasters.Chess Tactics for Kids makes improving easy and fun, and is full of helpful explanations on how to approach chess games with confidence – and success.Grandmaster Murray Chandler finished second in the World Cadet Championship in 1976, ahead of Garry Kasparov, whom he defeated in their individual game. He remains to this day one of the few players in the world with a 100% score against Kasparov. He was a key member of the England team that won the silver medals in Chess Olympiads three times during the 1980s, and went on to captain the team in 1994. His previous book for Gambit, How to Beat Your Dad at Chess, has proved one of the most popular chess books of recent years.
Working on chess tactics and checkmates will help you win more games. It develops your pattern recognition and your 'board vision' - your ability to capitalize on opportunities. This Workbook features a complete set of fundamental tactics, checkmate patterns, exercises, hints, and solutions.Peter Giannatos selected 738 exercises based on ten years of experience with thousands of pupils at the prize-winning Charlotte Chess Center. All problems are clean, without unnecessary fluff that detracts from their instructive value. The Workbook has ample room for writing down the solutions to the exercises. This is helpful for both students and coaches, who can assign homework from the book without having to worry about being unable to review the solutions. And writing down the correct chess moves will greatly accelerate your learning process.Everyone's First Chess Workbook offers you a treasure trove of chess knowledge and more than enough lessons to keep you busy for a year!
Analyzes a variety of endgames, discusses strategy, and looks at confrontations between unlike pieces
A one-of-a-kind masterclass in chess from the greatest player of all time.Learn how to play chess the Bobby Fischer way with the fastest, most efficient, most enjoyable method ever devised. Whether you’re just learning the game or looking for more complex strategies, these practice problems and exercises will help you master the art of the checkmate.This book teaches through a programmed learning method: It asks you a question. If you give the right answer, it goes on to the next question. If you give the wrong answer, it explains why the answer is wrong and asks you to go back and try again. Thanks to the book’s unique formatting, you will work through the exercises on the right-hand side, with the correct answer hidden on the next page. The left-hand pages are intentionally printed upside-down; after reaching the last page, simply turn the book upside-down and work your way back.When you finish, not only will you be a much better chess player, you may even be able to beat Bobby Fischer at his own game!
What's the best way to learn chess? Great Moves: Learning Chess Through History blends the intricacies of chess play with the game's compelling and colorful history, putting real people at the 64 squares.Tracing the development of chess from its origins in ancient India, the authors take the student on a far-ranging journey through the palaces of medieval and Renaissance Europe to the cafés of the Enlightenment and the dawn of the Industrial Age, with a focus on the leading personalities of the royal game and on their contributions to understanding of it. Rogues and champions, tragic as well as inspirational human stories all serve as the backdrop for illustrative games and exercises of increasing complexity highlighting their discoveries, and invite the student to grasp the potential of chess to fascinate.Much more than a primer for beginning chess players and their teachers, Great Moves shines a light on the lives of famous players of bygone eras, helping experienced players to fill in the gaps in their chess culture.
Chess is great for developing a child's analytical skills, fostering the competitive instinct—and having fun. Nothing beats this cute, character-based guide for teaching youngsters how to play. Jess and Jamie—two rough-and-tumble, chess-obsessed kids—explain it all: what the pieces are and how they move; the opening, middlegame, and endgame; checkmate; and sneaky tricks that win. The book's friendly, entertaining, and essential to any child's bookshelf.
Who says that you can’t learn from the games of amateurs? Renowned chess instructor and writer Dan Heisman presents thirty games by intermediate-level players, each one offering a rich variety of lessons in practical competitive play for all chess enthusiasts.The catalog of errors runs the gamut from taking too much (or too little!) time to think, to shoddy calculation, cutting off analysis too soon, and ignoring the principles of sound strategy. Using gentle humor, Coach Heisman gives a blow-by-blow account and patiently dissects the players’ thinking process, offering tips for improving clock management and making better decisions at the board.Because the advantage can swing wildly back and forth, amateur games can be entertaining as well as instructive. Heisman gives a choice selection of cases of chess suicide, for the purpose of suggesting what the victim could have done to prevent disaster. Learn from this – better them than you!
In 2022 John Watson was inducted into the World Chess Hall of Fame as "one of the greatest writers in the history of American chess".For chess-players of all ages and abilities, it is vital to get off to a good start. This simple guide provides all the tips and ideas needed to play purposefully from move one. That’s because these 50 Mighty Openings are the very ones used by chess masters and grandmasters to outwit opponents time and again.This book teaches the names and starting moves of all the main chess openings, and explains the basic ideas. Beginners will learn how to position their pieces for maximum impact. More experienced players will discover some remarkable tactical and strategic themes that are vital for chess mastery.Throughout the book, numerous devastating opening traps are highlighted. You will have fun posing difficult problems for your opponent – whether a friend, a chess-club rival or your Dad!Chess Openings for Kids makes learning the chess openings fun. Playing these powerful openings helps develop an understanding of how the pieces work together. Soon you will be able to play strong moves in any opening position, and approach every game with confidence – and success.
In the course of a game of chess, questions continually arise that test a player's reasoning skills. Questions such as:* "Who has the better position?"* "Should I resolve the tension in the center?"* "How can I improve the placement of my pieces?"In this long-awaited extension of the classic Best Lessons of a Chess Coach, the reader is invited to take a seat in the classroom of a renowned chess teacher, and learn how to answer such questions while experiencing the beauty, logic, and artistry of great chess games. When Sunil Weeramantry lectures on the games of top grandmasters, one can imagine making decisions alongside them. When he lectures on his own games, one can also experience the personal excitement, disappointment, and satisfaction of a well-contested game of chess. The cumulative effect of studying these lessons is to give the aspiring player a wide range of tools with which to win.
Leading chess author Colin Crouch selects and explains over 30 sensational games, all from the new millennium. By studying battles between the world's best players, Crouch examines in detail all the key areas of modern chess. Powerful attacking and resourceful defending, bloodthirsty tactical battles, profound positional mastery, deep opening preparation and superb endgame play are all in evidence here, while Crouch also explores the ever-increasing role of computers and the way human imagination can work in harness with them.\nThere is something for everyone in this book: aspiring players will benefit greatly from the clear explanations of the fundamentals, while stronger players will gain considerably from Crouch's deep insight and analysis in more complex positions. This book reflects the continuing changes in modern chess, and how you can use the lessons learned to great effect in your own games.
Most chess games are decided in the endgame. It is here where you reap the reward for your good play, or else use all your cunning to deny the opponent victory. Knowing just a few key endgame techniques will dramatically increase your confidence, as you will understand what positions to aim for and which to avoid.Starting with the basic mates and the simplest pawn endings, this book provides all the endgame knowledge that players need to take them through to club level and beyond. Müller carefully guides us step-by-step through a fascinating range of endgame tactics and manoeuvres, helping us understand the underlying logic.Throughout the book, many cunning endgame tricks are highlighted. You will have fun springing them on friends, family – or your opponents in serious tournaments. Chess Endgames for Kids makes learning chess endgames fun. But it is also a serious endgame course written by a leading endgame expert, and provides a firm basis for vital skills that will develop throughout your chess career.
Tani Adewumi's moving true story of immigrating to America, developing his talent for chess, and finding a new home will inspire families looking for stories of hope and kindness.* 2021 ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award winnerTani was just six years old when he and his family fled persecution in Nigeria and became refugees in New York City. Tani was amazed, and a little overwhelmed, by all the new things in America. But one new experience turned out to be the most wonderful discovery--chess! With joy and determination, Tani studied hard, practicing chess for hours on the floor of his room in the homeless shelter. Less than a year later, he won the New York State Chess Championship, and through one act of kindness after another, found a new home.This picture book biography for children ages 5 to 10 tells the captivating real-life story of a young chess champion celebrates the power of hope and hard work reminds us that we can each make the world a more welcoming place encourages empathy and compassion includes beautiful digital illustrations by Courtney Dawson is perfect for children reading alone; story time for families, classrooms, and libraries; and celebrations of World Refugee DayThis exciting book about chess, family, and community reminds us all that home is a place where you can follow your dreams.
What does a chess master think when he prepares his next move? How are his thoughts organized? Which methods and strategies does he use by solving his problem of choice? To answer these questions, the author did a study, to which famous chess masters participated (Alekhine, Max Euwe, Reuben Fine, Tartakower and Flohr). This book is still useful for everybody who studies cognition and artificial intelligence. The studies involve participants of all chess backgrounds, from amateurs to masters. They investigate the cognitive requirements and the thought processes involved in moving a chess piece. The participants were usually required to solve a given chess problem correctly under the supervision of an experimenter and represent their thought-processes vocally so that they could be recorded. De Groot found that much of what is important in choosing a move occurs during the first few seconds of exposure to a new position. Four stages in the task of choosing the next move were noted. The first stage was the 'orientation phase', in which the subject assessed the situation and determined a general idea of what to do next. The second stage, the 'exploration phase' was manifested by looking at some branches of the game tree. The third stage, or 'investigation phase' resulted in the subject choosing a probable best move. Finally, in the fourth stage, the 'proof phase', saw the subject confirming with him/herself that the results of the investigation were valid. De Groot concurred with Alfred Binet that visual memory and visual perception are important and that problem-solving ability is of paramount importance. Memory is particularly important, according to de Groot (1965), in that there are no 'new' moves in chess and so those from personal experience or from the experience of others can be committed to memory.