14 Best 「psychic」 Books of 2025| Books Explorer
- Psychic: The Ultimate Psychic Development Guide to Developing Abilities Such as Intuition, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Healing, Aura Reading, Mediumship, and Connecting to Your Spirit Guides
- Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick & Manifestation (Mat Auryn's Psychic Witch)
- Psychic Development for Beginners: A Practical Guide to Developing Your Intuition & Psychic Gifts
- Empath and Psychic Abilities: A Survival Guide for Highly Sensitive People. Develop Intuition, Telepathy, and Clairvoyance. Healing with Guided Meditations to Open Your Third Eye and Expand Mind Power
- A Still, Small Voice: A Psychic's Guide to Awakening Intuition
- The Psychic Pathway: A Workbook for Reawakening the Voice of Your Soul
- The Art of Psychic Reiki: Developing Your Intuitive & Empathic Abilities for Energy Healing
- The Psychic Tarot Oracle Cards: a 65-Card Deck, plus booklet!
- Clairvoyance for Psychic Empowerment: The Art & Science of "Clear Seeing" Past the Illusions of Space & Time & Self-Deception (Carl Llewellyn Weschcke's Psychic Empowerment)
- A Survival Guide for Those Who Have Psychic Abilities and Don't Know What to Do With Them
If you've always been interested in discovering how to develop your psychic abilities, then keep reading...Maybe you’re passionate about honing your already existing psychic abilities but don’t know where to start. Maybe you’ve always been relatively skeptical about the existence of psychic abilities but intrigued by the possibility of their existence. Maybe you have no expectations one way or another but are curious as to what this book and the path of a psychic is all about. Whatever the reason for your interest, look no further – you’ve found the ultimate beginner’s guide to psychic development. In this book, you will:Find out how to develop your psychic abilities.Learn what it means to be clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, and claircognizant.Get tips on how to keep yourself safe and protected from negative entities and people who wish you harm while you perform psychic feats.Learn all about psychic healing – how to use energy and clairvoyance to help others on their healing journey.Discover the wonders of guided meditation and how it helps your mind to strengthen and prepare for psychic readings.Learn how to find out if your friend’s aura is orange, green, or red along with how to pick up the energy of a person’s aura.Discover telepathy and how to send your friends psychic images, or find out what someone is really feeling.Discover how you can get connected to your Spirit Guides (aka Guardian Angels) and ask them for help.Learn how to connect with the spirit world and how one can talk to dead loved ones by becoming a medium.Have dream interpretation explained and made simple so you'll never be confused by a dream again.And much, much more!If you want to learn more about psychic development, then scroll up and click the “add to cart” button!
Discover how to be a powerful psychic witch with this book on wielding energy and awakening your psychic senses. Psychic Witch explores the relationship between psychic ability and magick, interweaving them to create a strong foundation for accessing the full potential of your mind, body, and spirit. Mat Auryn reveals some of his most closely guarded tips, secrets, practices, and meditations so that you can master the perception and manipulation of energy. Featuring over ninety exercises and the inner tools you need to perform magick anywhere and at any time, Psychic Witch helps you tune in to yourself and the subtle energies of the world.
Learn how to Develop Your Intuition & Psychic Gifts today! With this book, you will learn how to tap into your intuitition and develop your psychic ability with over 20 psychic exercises included! Everyone has a sixth sense or an intuition and Emily will introduce and cover a variety of psychic topics to help you become more aware of your psychic ability and how to use it in your everyday life! Discover your psychic gifts and practice using them today! With each chapter comes practical psychic exercises to jumpstart your intuition including Free Bonus Psychic Exercises with a newsletter signup and a free download to Emily's Psychic Soul Radio iTunes Podcast! This is a great book for the beginner to advanced student and will guide you along your soul journey. Topics covered: *Recognizing a Psychic Impression vs. Your Own Logic *Telepathy & Practical Exercises *Meditation & Practice Meditation Exercises *Psychometry & How to Use it *Our 5 Psychic Senses with Practice Exercises *Clairvoyance *Clairaudience *Clairsentience *The 5 Clairs & How to Use Them *Psychic Dreams *Symbolism & How to Interpret Psychic Symbols *FREE Bonus Psychic Exercises when you sign up for Emily's Newsletter *FREE Link to Emily's Psychic Soul iTunes Podcast available for download *and More! Emily Stroia is a professional Intuitive and Medium based in the New York City metro and New Jersey area. She uses her intuition and mediumship abilities to offer guidance to all her clients, encouraging them to move forward in a positive direction no matter what obstacles the future has in store for them. She also updates a personal blog and teaches classes on developing your intuitive and spiritual gifts. Currently, Emily lives in the greater NYC area and offers psychic readings by appointment only via in Person, Skype or Phone. To learn more about Emily, visit www.emilystroia.com
Discover the Little-Known Secrets to Becoming a True Psychic and Learn How to Become a True Empath Capable of Perceiving Things Beyond the Reach of The Five Senses! Have you ever encountered someone who was in touch with their inner Nostradamus and seemed to have extra-sensory abilities? Do you want to develop powerful psychic abilities you can use to help yourself and your loved ones? Do you want to harness the same power used by psychics and empaths to develop a razor-sharp, clairvoyant intuition that can perceive things that cannot be seen or felt by your normal senses? If yes, then you've come to the right place. Psychics are special individuals who can perceive information hidden from the normal five senses of smell, touch, sound, hearing, and sight through extrasensory perception. They are people with amplified human senses. Empaths on the other hand are people who are completely in tune with their emotions and the emotions of others. They are highly sensitive and can pick up on the energy around them. This can be both a blessing and a curse. People tend to trust empaths quicker, but on the other hand, they can be easily manipulated by malicious individuals. An empath who isn't aware of their gift and how to protect themselves from negative energies is in for a bad time and can lead to destruction if they aren't careful. But it doesn't have to be that way. The goal of this book is clear: You will understand what empathy really means and discover a treasure trove of techniques and strategies to shield yourself from being contaminated by toxic energies and environments. You'll also learn how to bring out your potential psychic abilities and become unstoppable. Other things you'll learn in this book include: ● What it really means to be a psychic in today's world ● The different types of psychic abilities and identifying your type ● Myths and misconceptions about psychic powers you need to discard ● Step-by-step instructions to opening your seven chakras and seeing auras ● Types of spirit guides and 12 effective ways to communicate with them ● How to enhance your psychic abilities with powerful gemstones ● Surefire signs you might be a psychic empath ● Tips to help you set firm boundaries as an empath and avoid empath fatigue ● How to create a powerful psychic shield to protect yourself from malicious energies ● ...and much more!
In A Still, Small Voice, famed psychic Echo Bodine turns to a subject she knows deeply and is passionate about: intuition. Using humorous anecdotes and a positive, readable style, this sequel to Echoes of the Soul explores what intuition is, where it’s located, what it sounds like, and how to cultivate it. The author, who comes from a family of psychics, exposes the various internalized voices that can mask one’s intuition. These include the voices of parents, grandparents, peers, therapists, significant others, religious figures, and society, along with such emotions as anger, fear, guilt, and despair. The book challenges the notions that psychic abilities and intuition are the same or that they are in some way suspect. One chapter is devoted to the many practical benefits that come from listening to intuition; another looks at the faith-building times” in life and how to cope with others’ negative reactions to one’s setting off on a spiritual path.
A practical, step-by-step, 12-week interactive program that teaches you how to develop the intuitive sense that lies within you and to live in accordance with the soul's purpose by discovering your center of spiritual power. The Psychic Pathway refines intuition into a life-enhancing tool that can be used every day.
From master Reiki teacher Lisa Campion comes The Art of Psychic Reiki, a one-of-a-kind, step-by-step guide for learning the sacred art of Reiki while cultivating the psychic and intuitive skills crucial to this healing energy work.\nReiki is a gentle yet powerful, hands-on energy healing method from Japan that’s been gaining in popularity over the last century—not only with bodyworkers and massage therapists in the West but also with medical professionals who can attest to its healing power. Born from the author’s decades of experience with Reiki healing and her own methods, The Art of Psychic Reiki provides everything you need to know about this healing art, including the critical psychic development and empathy training that prepares healers to go out and do the work they were meant to do.\nIf you’re drawn to the healing art of Reiki, you might be a highly sensitive person, with high levels of empathy, intuition, and latent psychic abilities (a combination of intuition and inner knowing, plus the ability to connect with higher wisdom). And since Reiki is a form of energy healing, many new practitioners may experience what’s called a psychic opening as they learn or practice. For this reason, it’s important that every Reiki practitioner master the ability to navigate their empathic and psychic sensitivities while engaged in this work—and this book can help.\nWhether you’re new to Reiki or you’re a practitioner seeking to deepen your knowledge and enhance your skills, with this guide you’ll learn how to use Reiki to heal yourself and others, cultivate and trust your natural intuition, develop your empathic and psychic abilities, work with your spirit guides, and ground and protect yourself as a practitioner of this sacred healing art.
The 65 beautifully illustrated cards in this deck will create a powerful bridge between your psychic abilities and the ancient knowledge and meanings of the tarot; and will help you develop intuitive insights about all areas of your life, including love and relationships, business matters, and even career changes. This fascinating deck will work for you whether you’re a novice or are already in tune with your psychic abilities. In the accompanying guidebook, psychic medium John Holland imparts techniques that he’s practiced himself and taught in his workshops, relating to colors, symbology, shapes, words, card spreads, divination, numerology, energy centers, imagination, and more. By using the cards, you’ll be able to incorporate John’s techniques when you do a tarot reading for yourself or others.
Clairvoyance: The ability to gain knowledge about a person, place, thing, event, or concept using means other than the common five senses; Extrasensory Perception. Clairvoyance for Psychic Empowerment is a complete training course that will take you on a journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment, a journey specifically designed for all people in this New Age of the 21st century. The theory and techniques revealed here will help you improve relationships, increase creativity, promote career success, accelerate academic achievement, and convert challenges into solutions. This book, the most comprehensive single collection of information and techniques ever made available, reveals ancient Tantric and Western techniques that will allow you to manifest love, happiness, health, knowledge, wealth, spirituality, and more. Release your powers of clairvoyance to achieve true personal wholeness. Safe, ethical, and spiritual, the lifetime of insights revealed in these pages provide access to the full wisdom of the new age.
A Beginner's Guide to Understanding and Communicating with the Other Side For many people, natural psychic abilities are more disruptive than they are helpful, and sometimes they're downright terrifying. This empowering book shares tips and techniques for learning to use your psychic abilities in a way that enhances your life and helps you balance your mind, body, and spirit. Discover how to tell the difference between spirits and ghosts. Learn how to work with negative entities and protect yourself from psychic harm. Explore how to receive messages and channel the wisdom of your guides. Lisa Anne Rooney provides crucial advice on everything from energy clearing to taking spiritual lessons to heart. She also offers inspiring insights and words of encouragement for those times when you need it most.
Your psychic gifts are just waiting to be explored, and this pocket-size guide makes it easy! Discover how to tune in to your intuition, deepen your spirituality, and improve your relationships with simple techniques for developing your psychic senses. Fill your life with abundance and positivity by engaging in your psychic birthright. This little book is packed with ways to help you, from hands-on exercises and journaling prompts to true stories from Melanie Barnum's clients and personal experiences. If you want to feel more connected to your spirit, make changes in your career, or receive help when making decisions in every area of your life, this is the right book for you!
Whether a novice or a practicing expert, "The Book of Psychic Symbols: Interpreting Intuitive Messages" is a unique and comprehensive guide to understanding psychic communication. With definitions for over 500 symbols and practical hands on exercises, this book walks us through where symbols come from, how we receive... them, what they mean and how we can apply them to our everyday lives. Intuition is a gift everyone is born with. Learning and understanding how to utilize this gift is key to helping us live a fuller and more conscious existence. This groundbreaking combination of dictionary style explanations, true stories of psychic phenomena and experiences, and intuitive development offers a practical opportunity to expand our awareness. You'll not only read this book straight through, you'll keep it as an essential handy reference guide for dreams, intuitive flashes, synchronicities and signs. "The Book of Psychic Symbols: Interpreting Intuitive Messages" takes us on a unique journey and offers a personalized approach to developing and enhancing our natural intuition. Within these pages you will find answers to questions like, "How do I know if I am intuitive?", and "What is a psychic symbol?", and "What does it mean if I see an image or hear a word?" and "Where does this information come from?", and "What's the difference between intuition and psychic ability?" Discussing everything from clairvoyance to tarot, colors to chakras, we learn the principles behind everyday symbolic messages. What may have been considered extraordinary becomes mainstream as we learn to connect to our intuitive side and open ourselves to conversations with spirit, the universe and the other side. Manifesting your true desires becomes easier when you apply the knowledge gained from practicing the exercises in most of the chapters. Learning the language of symbolic communication changes our perspective and our understanding of the journey we are here to live.
Explore your Inner Temple―your personal sacred space where there are no boundaries and all things are possible. With study, dedication, and practice, the lessons and exercises in this book will empower you to transform the repetitive rigors of the daily grind into a witch's web of magickal experiences. The Inner Temple of Witchcraft is a thorough course of education, introspection, meditation, and the development of the magickal and psychic abilities that are the birthright of the witch. Four introductory chapters present the history, traditions, and principles of witchcraft, followed by thirteen lessons that start with basic meditation techniques and culminate in a self-initiation ceremony equivalent to the first-degree level of traditional coven-based witchcraft. As you progress through this year-and-a-day course of study, you will explore a wide range of topics that support and inform the dedicated witch: \nAncient and modern magickal philosophy Modern scientific theories supporting a new definition of reality "Instant" magick techniques for protection, healing, and serenity Energy work and anatomy, including chakras and auras Astral travel, dreams, and spirit guides Healing techniques for body, mind, and spirit \nThis book's non-dogmatic presentation encourages an eclectic, personal approach while providing a strong foundation for the practice of witchcraft and magick. Develop your psychic abilities and practice potent magickal techniques as you explore the source of every witch's power―the temple within. Winner of the 2003 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) Award for Best Magic Book
Introducing Over 20 Hours Of Teachings To Help You Thrive As An Empath, Understand Your Gifts & Start Your Lucid Dreaming Journey! (Plus 10+ Hours Of Guided Meditations To Help You Integrate ALL The Teachings!)\nWelcome to the Spiritual Awakening Academy, your one stop shop for all of your awakening & integration needs.\nInside you'll find both\n1) Lucid Dreaming & Astral Projection Made Easy - An actual practical guide to starting your Lucid Dreaming & Astral Projection journey. This goes WAY beyond theory, and actually involves taking action on what is taught.\n2) Empath, Psychic Abilities & Self-Love- So many of us seekers happen to be Empaths, but this isn't just for Empaths, but anyone who wants to hone their intuitive gifts & develop the true self-love they deserve.\nAll that's left for you to do is put on your Headphones & enjoy the ride. (Oh and take action on the teachings of course!)\nHere's a Preview Of What's Inside...\nExactly What Lucid Dreaming Is & The Difference Compared To 'Normal Dreams'\nThe Purpose Of Lucid Dreams & Why It Is Such A Powerful Practice\nOver 5+ Hours Of Meditations To Supercharge Your Lucid Dreaming Journey\n15+ Tools To Help You Start Lucid Dream As Early As Tonight!\n5 Techniques You MUST Know If You Want To Consistently Lucid Dream\n10+ Hours Of Guided Meditations & Affirmations You Can Practice As Much As You Want To Integrate The Teachings In The Book & Live Your Best Life!\nWhy Empaths Actually Need A Different Set Of Guidelines, Exercises & Practices To Live The Most Fulfilling Life Possible\nChakras, Kundalini Awakening & The Third Eye's Relation To Empaths & HSPs\nAnd SO Much More!\nSo, If You Want Over 20 Hours Of Teachings On Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection & How You Can Thrive In This Modern\nWorld As An Empath And Harness Your Unique Gifts, Then Scroll Up And Click "Add To Cart."