16 Best 「toefl preparation」 Books of 2025| Books Explorer

In this article, we will rank the recommended books for toefl preparation. The list is compiled and ranked by our own score based on reviews and reputation on the Internet.
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Table of Contents
  1. Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test
  2. Kaplan TOEFL iBT Premier 2016-2017 with 4 Practice Tests: Book + CD + Online + Mobile (Kaplan Test Prep)
  3. Official Guide to the TOEFL Test With CD-ROM, 4th Edition (Official Guide to the Toefl Ibt)
  4. The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test Fifth Edition
  5. Official TOEFL iBT Tests
  6. TOEFL iBT Prep Plus 2020-2021: 4 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online + Audio (Kaplan Test Prep)
  7. Official TOEFL iBT Tests
  8. Barron's TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM and MP3 audio CDs
  9. TOEFL iBT: with 8 Online Practice Tests (Barron's Test Prep)
  10. Essential Words for the TOEFL (Barron's Test Prep)
Other 6 books
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The TOEFL iBT tests your abilities in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Kaplan’s TOEFL iBT Premier 2016-2017 with 4 Practice Tests presents the most important language skills and strategies you need to succeed on this test. The TOEFL is required worldwide for international students who want to study abroad. Kaplan’s comprehensive guide gives you exactly what you will need to get ready for Test Day, including: * 4 full-length online practice tests with detailed answers and explanations * 450+ practice questions * Focused practice for each section of the test * 95+ minutes of audio for Listening, Speaking, and Writing sections included on CD and online, plus complete transcripts in the book * 12+ self-paced video lessons taught by Kaplan experts provide strategies for and insight into every section of the test * Exclusive score-raising tips and strategies for each language skill: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking * Effective study tips for all TOEFL test takers MASTER the test with expert strategies, realistic practice, and in-depth review. REINFORCE critical concepts with video tutorials. IMPROVE your performance with instant, online analysis and feedback. PREP ON THE GO with mobile study resources.

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The one and only bestselling official guide to the TOEFL, from the makers of the test! Now expanded with a third actual TOEFL exam\nThis Official Guide to the TOEFL Test is the best, most reliable guide to the test that is used around the world to assess foreign applicants to U.S. and Canadian universities for English proficiency. It includes real TOEFL questions for practice, as well as explanations of every section of the test and information on what is expected for every speaking and writing task. You will learn how to construct a good answer and how to integrate speaking, listening, and writing skills to demonstrate college-level English proficiency. The accompanying CD-ROM provides three authentic TOEFL iBT practice tests just like the one you will encounter on test day.Inside you'll find:\n600 real TOEFL questions from the test-makers\nA CD-ROM with 3 authentic TOEFL iBT practice tests\nStrategies for success\n

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Official TOEFL iBT Tests

McGraw-Hill Education

Five authentic TOEFL iBT® tests in print and on DVD-ROM-- from ETS, the makers of the test!\nThese five actual retired TOEFL iBT® test forms contain authentic reading, listening, speaking, and writing questions. Each form includes an Answer Key and complete audio scripts. The TOEFL® test is the most respected English-language proficiency exam accepted by colleges, universities, and agencies around the world.\nThe accompanying DVD-ROM provides interactive computer-delivered versions of all five tests, plus separate audio tracks for all test listening sections for readers who are working with the print version.\nIncludes:\n\nOver 300 real TOEFL® questions from the test makers \nReal TOEFL® essay-writing prompts \nSample responses for Speaking and Writing questions \nComputerized, interactive tests on DVD-ROM\n\nFor even more practice, look out for McGraw-Hill Education's Official TOEFL iBT Tests, Volume 2, which contains five additional real past TOEFL tests.

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Kaplan's TOEFL iBT Prep Plus 2020-2021 provides the most important language skills and strategies you need to succeed on the test, which is required worldwide for international students who want to study abroad. Master your English abilities in reading, writing, listening, and speaking so you can face the TOEFL with confidence.Kaplan is so certain that TOEFL iBT Prep Plus 2020-2021 offers all the guidance you need to excel at the TOEFL that we guarantee it: After studying with the online resources and book, you'll score higher on the TOEFL—or you'll get your money back.With TOEFL iBT Prep Plus 2020-2021 you can study on-the-go. Log in from anywhere to watch video lessons, listen to audio, and take practice tests that are optimized for your mobile device.The Most Practice\nFour full-length online practice tests with detailed answers and explanations\nMore than 450 practice questions to help you get comfortable with the test\nFocused practice for each section of the test helps you reinforce critical concepts\nMore than 95 minutes of audio for Listening, Speaking, and Writing sections included on CD and online, plus complete transcripts in the book\nExclusive score-raising tips and strategies for each language skill: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking\n\nExpert Guidance\nMore than 12 self-paced video lessons provide expert strategies for every section of the test\nEffective study tips and advice from Kaplan's test experts\nKaplan's expert psychometricians ensure our practice questions and study materials are true to the test.\nWe invented test prep—Kaplan (www.kaptest.com) has been helping students for almost 80 years. Our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams.\n

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Official TOEFL iBT Tests

McGraw-Hill Education

Five more authentic TOEFL iBT® tests in print and on DVD-ROM -- from ETS, the makers of the test!This book contains five actual retired TOEFL® test forms with authentic reading, listening, speaking, and writing questions. Each form includes an Answer Key, sample responses for Speaking and Writing questions, and complete audio scripts. The TOEFL® test is the most respected English-language proficiency exam accepted by colleges, universities, and agencies around the world.\nThe accompanying DVD-ROM provides interactive, computer-delivered versions of all five tests, plus separate audio tracks for all listening sections for readers who are working with the print version.\nIncludes:\n\nOver 300 real TOEFL® questions from the test makers\nReal TOEFL® essay-writing prompts\nSample responses for Speaking and Writing questions\nComputerized, interactive tests on DVD-ROM\n\nFor even more practice, look out for McGraw-Hill Education's Official TOEFL iBT Tests, Volume 1, which contains five additional real past TOEFL tests.\nAbout the AuthorsAt Educational Testing Service (ETS; Princeton, NJ) we advance quality and equity in education for people worldwide by creating assessments based on rigorous research. ETS serves individuals, educational institutions, and government agencies by providing customized solutions for teacher certification, English language learning, and elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education, and by conducting education research, analysis, and policy studies. Founded as a non-profit in 1947, ETS develops, administers, and scores more than 50 million tests annually―including the TOEFL® and TOEIC® tests, the GRE® tests, and the Praxis® assessments―in more than 180 countries, at over 9,000 locations worldwide.

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Barron's TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM and MP3 audio CDs

Sharpe Ph.D., Pamela J.
Barrons Educational Series

The most up-to-date TOEFL test prep manual on the market, the fifteenth edition of Barron's TOEFL iBT is available in options that include a book with two MP3 CDs or book with two MP3 CDs and CD ROM. The manual presents:\n\nA general overview of the TOEFL Ibt\nSeven model TOEFL iBT tests with answer explanations and sample writing and speaking responses\nA review of required academic skills, including note taking, paraphrasing, summarizing, and synthesizing\nA review of language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English\n\nThe manual can be purchased with two MP3 CDs or with a CD-ROM and two MP3 CDs. The CD-ROM presents iBT versions of the book's 7 TOEFL practice tests plus a bonus TOEFL iBT. The tests on the CD-ROM simulate actual test-taking conditions. The MP3 CDs present audio prompts for the Listening, Speaking, and Writing sections of all TOEFL practice exams and exercises in the manual. System Requirements: Microsoft® Windows® PC2.33GHz or faster x86-compatible processor, or Intel Atom™, 1.6GHz or faster processor for netbook class devices\n\nMicrosoft® Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 Classic or Windows 10\n\n512MB of RAM (1GB recommended) \n\nSpeakers and microphone, or an integrated headset with mic\n\nPlug-Ins: Latest versions of Adobe Air (Included on the CD-ROM) MAC® OS \n\nIntel® Core™ Duo 1.83GHz or faster processor\n\nMac OS X v10.7, and above \n\n512MB of RAM (1GB recommended) \n\nSpeakers and microphone, or an integrated headset with mic\n\nPlug-Ins: Latest versions of Adobe Air (Included on the CD-ROM)

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Barron's newest edition of TOEFL iBT has been fully updated to reflect the new TOEFL format and  provides flexible study options and key skills review to help you study what you need to know for the test. You'll also get 8 full-length practice tests, 8 one-hour practice tests, four video lessons, online PowerPoint presentations, and online audio files for all the practice to help you feel prepared on test day. This edition includes: Eight full-length TOEFL iBT practice tests with answer explanations in both the book and online 8 one-hour practice tests A review of required academic and language skills with four video lessons and a grammar review that supports the Speaking and Writing Sections An online pronunciation guide that features over 200 campus flashcards with vocabulary terms and example sentences MP3 audio files online for all prompts A general overview of the TOEFL iBT PowerPoint review presentations with handouts and resources for tutors and teachers

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Essential Words for the TOEFL (Barron's Test Prep)

Matthiesen, Steven J.
Barrons Educational Services

This revised book is specifically designed for ESL students preparing to take the TOEFL and features updated vocabulary that is seen most often on the exam. It includes:\n\nPhrases and “purpose” words (for example, define, discuss, claim, etc.) that are used in the speaking and writing sections of the test \nNew words and phrases, since you are often asked to explain the meaning of a phrase\nLists of vocabulary words with definitions, sample sentences, and practice exercises for 500 need-to-know words\nDetailed advice to help students expand their English language vocabulary, and more\n\nStudents can test their mastery of TOEFL vocabulary by taking the included practice test with answer key, which is designed to help students evaluate their progress, and increase confidence in their vocabulary skills.

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Essential Words for the TOEFL

Matthiesen, Steven J.
Barrons Educational Series

This vocabulary building program is specifically designed for ESL students preparing to take the TOEFL. The book presents an organized list of vocabulary words with definitions, sample sentences, and practice exercises for 500 need-to-know words. It also provides detailed advice on ways in which students can expand their English language vocabulary. Students can test their mastery of TOEFL vocabulary by taking the included practice test with answer key, which is designed to help students evaluate their progress, and increase confidence in their vocabulary skills.

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Test Prep Books' TOEFL Preparation Book 2022-2023: Exam Study Guide with 3 TOEFL iBT Practice Tests for Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing/Essay [Includes Audio Links]\nMade by Test Prep Books experts for test takers trying to achieve a great score on the TOEFL iBT exam\nThis comprehensive study guide includes: Quick Overview: Find out what's inside this guide! Test-Taking Strategies: Learn the best tips to help overcome your exam! Introduction: Get a thorough breakdown of what the test is and what's on it! Study Prep Plan for the TOEFL iBT Subarea I — Reading Subarea II — Listening Subarea III — Speaking Subarea IV — Writing Practice Test Questions: Practice makes perfect! Detailed Answer Explanations: Figure out where you went wrong and how to improve!\nStudying can be hard. We get it. That's why we created this guide with these great features and benefits Comprehensive Review: Each section of the test has a comprehensive review created by Test Prep Books that goes into detail to cover all of the content likely to appear on the test. TOEFL iBT Practice Test Questions: We want to give you the best practice you can find. That's why the Test Prep Books practice questions are as close as you can get to the actual test. Answer Explanations: Every single problem is followed by an answer explanation. We know it's frustrating to miss a question and not understand why. The answer explanations will help you learn from your mistakes. That way, you can avoid missing it again in the future. Test-Taking Strategies: A test taker has to understand the material that is being covered and be familiar with the latest test taking strategies. These strategies are necessary to properly use the time provided. They also help test takers complete the test without making any errors. Test Prep Books has provided the top test-taking tips. Customer Service: We love taking care of our test takers. We make sure that you interact with a real human being when you email your comments or concerns.\nAnyone planning to take this exam should take advantage of this Test Prep Books study guide. Purchase it today to receive access to: TOEFL iBT review materials TOEFL iBT practice test questions Test-taking strategies

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Official TOEFL iBT Tests

Educational Testing Service

The bestselling collection of Official TOEFL iBT® Tests from ETS, the makers of the test!Are you preparing to take the TOEFL test? Official TOEFL Tests, Volume I gives you all the tools you need to achieve your best score. This book from ETS contains five retired TOEFL® test forms with authentic reading, listening, speaking, and writing questions, plus an answer key for each form. This third edition reflects the all the latest changes and updates to the test. You also get a DVD containing all five interactive tests as well as a downloadable audio file with all the passages and sample responses in the listening and speaking sections. You will learn how to construct a proper answer and how to integrate your speaking, listening, and writing skills to demonstrate English proficiency.The book features: • 5 full-length sample TOEFL tests, available both in the book and on a DVD• Real TOEFL essay-writing prompts• Sample responses for the speaking and writing test sections• Downloadable audio for all the listening and speaking sections• Answer keys, self-scoring guides, and more

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Make sure you’re studying with the most up-to-date prep materials! Look for the newest edition of this title, The Princeton Review TOEFL iBT Prep, 2020 (ISBN: 9780525569275, on-sale January 2020). Publisher's Note: Products purchased from third-party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality or authenticity, and may not include access to online tests or materials included with the original product.

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The one and only bestselling official guide to the TOEFL, from the makers of the test!  Preparing for the TOEFL exam? Why not study with the only guide on the market that contains real TOEFL questions pulled from recent exams? The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT Test is most complete and reliable guide to the test that is used to meet English-language proficiency requirements at more than 10,000 institutions worldwide. This updated sixth edition includes real TOEFL questions for practice, as well as explanations of every section of the test and information on what is expected for every speaking and writing task. You will learn how to construct a proper answer and how to integrate speaking, listening, and writing skills to demonstrate college-level English proficiency. The accompanying online content includes four authentic TOEFL practice tests just like the one you will encounter on test day. The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT Test, Sixth Edition Features: * 4 full-length practice TOEFL tests (available in the book and online for download) * Hundreds of authentic TOEFL test questions and essay topics * Test-taking strategies directly from the test maker * Answer keys, self-scoring guides, and more

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THE PRINCETON REVIEW GETS RESULTS. Get all the prep you need to ace the TOEFL with a full-length simulated TOEFL iBT test, an MP3 CD with accompanying audio sections, thorough reviews of core topics, and proven strategies for tackling tough questions.Techniques That Actually Work. • Tried-and-true strategies to avoid traps and beat the test• Tips for pacing yourself and guessing logically when needed• Essential tactics to help you work smarter, not harderEverything You Need to Know for a High Score.• Comprehensive content reviews for all test topics• Lessons on how to quickly identify the main ideas of a passage or lecture• Grammar review to brush up on the basicsPractice Your Way to Perfection.• 1 full-length simulated TOEFL iBT with full answer explanations• Accompanying audio sections available both on CD and as streaming files online• 39 additional practice drills for the Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing sections

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